Postcards of History Podcast – Episode I – The Royal Italian Army with Tyler Wear
Hello everyone! It has been a long time since I posted to this website, and now it will have a use beyond accompanying postcard reviews. Each episode of the Postcards of History Podcast will be posted with an article here, containing all the images used in the video if viewers would like to examine them in greater detail. I will also do my best to upload mp3 recordings of the episodes that are easier to download and share.
This first episode was done with my good friend, Tyler Wear, of the 89th/90th Reggimento “Salerno” Living History Group. Tyler and his group have some of the best work in the US WW1 Reenactment Community right now, and I was honored to bring his impression onto the channel with the first video. Tyler and I plan to do other collaborations in the future to bring attention to the Italian Front, but as far as his impression goes, I will let him do the talking.
Thank you for following my work as always, and I hope you are looking forward to future projects!
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