Welcome to Postcards of History!
I’m happy to have you looking at the website, whether you found it through the YouTube channel, or discovered it independently, I’m glad to have you here. I hope you enjoy looking through the archives of released postcards and stories.
To give you a general idea of how Postcard Articles will work, it’s pretty simple. I’ll do my best to get a new article out every 1-2 weeks. The article will either include several postcards (or original photos) sharing a common theme, or just a single one. Accompanying these will be a short story, most likely fiction written by me, however, if I feel it fitting, I may do some research and write some pertinent historical information as well. All research citations will be included with the post so you can do additional reading if you so chose. After an article is published, or a postcard is feature on the YouTube channel, I will be adding the high-resolution scan to a postcard vault, where they will be available to use free of charge, however, I do ask out of courtesy you credit this site if you end up using them.
This site will also be hosting exclusive articles, announcements, and sneak peaks to content on the YouTube channel. I’ll see what I can do about backing up important pieces of content and making them viewable through this website directly, but that will just depend on how much content I produce and how much website storage space I consume doing so.
There will be a lot of exciting and unique things coming, so I hope you stay tuned in. If you have any suggestions or inquiries, please feel free to contact me on one of these two emails, I will be checking both consistently:
nathanweisskopf@kukreenactment.net (Reenactment Inquiries)
nathanweisskopf@postcardsofhistory.com (All other inquiries related to Postcards of History)